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Your Inner Compass


Distance Reiki is a technique that enables a person to receive a Reiki session beyond the limitations of time and space. Distance Reiki can be sent to anyone, anywhere and at any time—permission is always asked for from the intended person. When performing reiki on someone who is not present, I will speak with them first on the phone, and then commence the reiki session. Reiki energy can be sent to anyone by directing thoughts and energy to that person.

A date and specific time will be scheduled with the client for the distant Reiki session. By setting up a specific time the recipient can be in an uninterrupted receptive state -such as lying down, sitting in a comfortable chair or meditating during the treatment.

In advance of the session, the person may also email a photo of themselves along with their name, age, location and any intention they have of what they want the session to support e.g. a physical or health issue, goal, or challenge.

Having these details will help the me to connect to the client if we haven’t spoken before.

1 hour @ $110.00